Paul & Lana Duda

LAC Cuba Network, Latin America Caribbean

Paul and Lana Duda are assigned to the LAC Cuba Network. They work with house churches and recently finished and dedicated "Christ Breaks the Chains AG" in Antilla. Cuba is a country in revival for many years, and they add, "We are so blessed to assist this dynamic national church."

They have assisted with the establishment and construction of over 200 house churches in Cuba since 2009. God has moved through Cuba with a sovereign move of His Holy Spirit, bringing thousands upon thousands to Christ. Despite difficult circumstances, the Cuban church has persisted in evangelism and church outreach. This island nation has excellent Christian leadership. They are true heroes of the faith.

The Dudas were appointed as world missionaries in 1989, along with their three sons. As missionaries in Ecuador, they established three churches, Aposento Alto Assemblies of God, Assemblies of God Christian Center at La Pulida, and Ebenezer Assembly of God church in Quito, Ecuador.

Before becoming missionaries, the Dudas started a church in Bath, Maine, and served in the Northern New England District Office from 1985-1989 as Administrative Assistants for four years under the leadership and mentorship of Rev. Samuel and Rachel DiTrolio.


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