Chris & Nasim Ali

Global University Translator, International Ministries

Chris and Nasim are fully appointed AGWM International missionaries working with the Center for Global Reach, a division of Global University, reaching the lost and training the found in 160 countries around the world through evangelism and discipleship materials in multiple languages.

Chris and his wife Nasim are originally from Pakistan. Chris got saved from a Muslim background in Pakistan. Two years after he got saved he married his wife Nasim and moved to the U.S.A.

Once in the USA Chris and Nasim pursued the American dream and worked tirelessly in the Corporate America for ten years until they got called to missions at their home church in Naperville, IL.

In 2000, Chris and Nasim went back to Pakistan as AGWM missionaries working with Teen Challenge for two years. On March 17, 2002 they were seriously injured in a suicide attack at their church in Pakistan. A suicide bomber entered the church sanctuary and hurled 7 grenades at the congregation. One grenade exploded just 39 inches from them. The suicide attack left five people dead including two American nationals. 50 people got injured.

Three months after the attack Chris and Nasim were brought back to the USA for additional treatment and counseling. In spite of the attack that had left them physically and emotionally hurt, Chris got his license from his district and in 2003 they returned back to Pakistan as AGWM Special Appointed Missionaries.

After their return to Pakistan Chris and Nasim started the Urdu Fire Bible Project. Chris also taught English as Second Language to the Afghan refugees. The school was shut down because of a serious threat from Taliban.

In 2005, Chris and Nasim were blessed with their daughter Hannah while serving in Pakistan. In 2007 they returned to the USA for itineration when Chris received his ordination from his district. In 2009 they transferred to England to reach the Muslims through street evangelism and prison ministry. While serving in England they also helped Global University with some translation of Christian Life courses in Urdu language.

In 2016, they transferred to AGWM International Ministry to reach the nations around the world in partnership with Global University. They are currently working with national partners around the world providing training programs in areas of Christian growth, helping with translation projects, and applying emerging technologies to meet security needs in countries with high persecution.

Their passion is to reach the lost and train the found everywhere through online Evangelism and Discipleship courses in all major languages of the world.


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